
import star ⭐️

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Sometimes you will see someone importing all the functionality in a module with the following syntax:

from thing import *

There are many reasons why this is an awful practise and most people won't argue if you flag this issue. But why is it so bad? Well:

  • Importing functionality without a clear reference makes your code basically impossible to read. This is particularly bad if there is more than one import *, meaning you have to check all of the wildcard imports to find the information you are looking for.
  • Extra functionality can bleed in from all kinds of places. This is particularly abhorrent if one import * imports from another import * making the trail of confusion even more convoluted.
  • You may be missing functionality that you thought existed as part of the * you imported.
  • It's near impossible to comprehend the state of your application's environment by simply reading the code.
  • Your IDE may get confused by your wild imports meaning that you can't navigate the code easily.
  • Other developers that aren't familiar with the module will get confused!

Instead you should:

  • Explicitly reference the functionality that you require in the module you are writing. For example: from my_module import specific_function, other_required_function
  • Import the whole module. This way we can follow the trail of information. For example, we import the module with import my_module and reference the functionality within when we execute it: my_module.specific_function().

The only time that you miiiiight want to use import * is when extending a config. For example:

UNIVERSAL_VARIABLE: str = "abc123"
from base_config import *

But ideally config would be separate to your code...