
prevent the mac dock moving around 📌

2min read

an image

Dock movement

If you have a second screen you may find that if you hover your mouse just a biiiiit too long at the bottom of your second screen the dock pins itself to that screen.

This is super annoying for several reasons: - I didn't want that, why are you doing it? - The quickest way to move it back is by awkwardly hovering the mouse at the bottom of the "first" screen - All of my windows on the second screen are no longer full height, they leave space for the dock I don't want.

A hacky fix

Seemingly there is no current way to disable this feature 😩

Instead, you can tweak the duration you have to hover until this "feature" kicks in and to prevent it happening under normal circumstances you can make this value arbitrarily large!!

defaults write autohide-delay -float 9999999; killall Dock

Congrats, your problem hasn't gone away but should happen less! 🚀